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Re: [platform-update-dev] How to publish plug-in changes to developers

platform-update-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 04/12/2003 11:14:36 AM:

> Hi all
> Eclipse version : 2.1
> - I have plug-ins that require a change in their properties file before
> beeing published to an Update Server. How would yo do that without building
> again the feature/plugin, but in an automatic way ? For instance changing
> the configuration could be a final step in the installation setup.

I am not sure I understand what you are doing. Each time a plugin is shipped to a user with a change its version changes. Could you be more specific as to what the properties file change you are talking about? You mention configuration etc.  I am unsure how you would do that. Plugins aren't meant to be different across installs. So if I have plugin A on one machine then plugin A on another machine would be identical. Any config information should be stored in the plugins preferences area.

> - Once published to an update server, imagine there is a need to change a
> properties file.
> if you change it inside the plugin,  as the version does not change, there
> is no possibility for users to update to the latest changes. Any solution ?

In a general case if you modify a plugins contents. You need to  (this is for 2.1 )
1) Update the plugin version number
2)  Either create an update or a patch.
       a) Update - update the version number and include of each feature down the tree from the root level feature to the feature with the changed plugin
       b) Patch - create a new feature with the changed plugin and feature it contains and use it to patch the root feature.
3) Supply the update or patch to the  Update Site.

> - It there a way to download old plug-ins from local machine when you
> update to newer ones?

Why do you need the old plugins?


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