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Re: [platform-ui-dev] proposal: let's simplify bug triage

Actually I think having the more detailed categories in the headers for the bug reports is quite helpful in searching, so I think we would be losing considerable information if we adopted the more broad categories. I did not find it that difficult to match bugs with the narrow categories, though I'm sure sometimes I got it wrong, and I'm not sure how we deal with that (I know that's the point of your proposal).

Maybe we can reduce the detailed list somewhat to remove the really esoteric items.

I also like what we did before of having the rotating triage by milestone. I found it very valuable to learn more about the UI area when I was on triage duty, so I would support going back to that system. 

And a small detail, Navigator belongs with CommonNavigator (I have both of those).

Of course part of the real answer to this problem is to get more people working on the UI.


On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 2:06 PM, Oleg Besedin <obesedin@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
We have 64 areas in Platform/UI. Having this many areas creates overhead in bug triage and might delay bug resolution if bug gets placed in a wrong bin. We also use "QA" field to indicate actual person watching the area. As people move, those relationships go stale.

I'd like to simplify the bug triage process:
- Let's consolidate the 64 areas into 10 - 15 larger areas;
- For new bugs we'll only assign "QA" for areas where specific people have to be notified (CommonNavigator, Graphics, DataBinding, LinkedResources)
- We'll have at least one person on the team watching "triaged" mailbox.
- We'll have a "default" area for bugs that don’t easily fit into one of our bins (specified by the absence of "[...]" tags on triaged bug).

Would that make sense to everybody?

I am going to assume lazy consensus if there are no objections within the next seven days.

Oleg Besedin

Addendum. Proposed list of consolidated areas.

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