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Re: [platform-ui-dev] jtable/ktable support

Was chatting on irc to a developer - as ktable is available independantly he didn't see the need to include ktable. He compared this to GTK+ saying there is not much of a call beyond their existing table support, so why should we need this for eclipse. I argued this from several points.
1) ktable us there, why not use it.
2) If you want swt/jface to be seen as an alternative, whether you like it or not, you are going to need to include equivalent, if not better, functionality.
3) Flexible table support is something probably used enough to warrant it being included as standard
4) External libraries can suffer from abandonware, with something important as ktable this is not something you want to happen. I dont believe ktable is abondoned, just that it works for the developers needs - howver no release in over a year is always worrying when choosing your dependencies.
5) Maybe Java development culture is different to GTK+, people prefer that the functionality works out of the box rather than googling for some random library that might do the job.

Anyway just some random points I could think of. I'm sure this can be argued either way - but my gut feeling is that advanced table support is something that is needed and should be available as part of the eclipse patform.


Ed Burnette wrote:
As an ISV I'd like to echo these comments. On which bugzilla entry would the UI team like votes and comments for this? Would you like a new bugzilla or to reuse one of these? Bug 37998 (improve table and tree) says "Please enter individual bug reports for any outstanding issues." Bug 79727 (row headers) says "odds are very low that we can do much about this.", and bug 4566 (owner draw) says "I can't see us ever implementing owner draw for table cells".

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Proctor
Sent: Monday, July 04, 2005 9:09 PM
. . .
So while people are thinking of 3.2 features I would like to put my vote
for flexible and powerfull table features being included as standard in 
eclipse - so it hopefully gains momentum/backing.
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