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Re: [platform-ui-dev] busyCursorWhile/ProgressMonitorDialog - what are they for anyway?

The purpose is to prevent the opening of a progress monitor for short 
operations. Sometimes it is hard to tell if something is short or long - 
this API will never bring up a progress dialog for a short operation.

It is otherwise just a progress monitor. The purpose of having the tabs to 
show the job is so that if you are waiting on a long operation or blocked 
on one you can cancel it to speed up the completion of your task.

These jobs can be cancelled from the dialog - if this is a problem for you 
then please log a problem report.


Pat McCarthy <patmc@xxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent by: platform-ui-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
03/30/2004 03:15 PM
Please respond to


[platform-ui-dev] busyCursorWhile/ProgressMonitorDialog - what are they 
for anyway?

I've tried out the IProgressService support for running a runnable (

What I'm unsure of is the purpose of the dialog that opens after a delay. 
What is it meant to do for the user (ProgressMonitorDialog).   

When it opens it shows me a bit of info about the active task/progress 
based on the monitor.  Noticed that the cursor is busy unless over the 
Cancel button, but if the Running Jobs>> button is selected the cursor 
looses its busy state.   

The jobs bit is the real question.   There is no relationship between the 
jobs listed and the runnable task, at least I have not found a way to 
create one.   

Why show the jobs?  The can't be canceled from the dialog. The are not 
listed because of any dependency or blocking that might be occurring 
between the job and runnable task.   Just seems like a window on 
information that has no context or usefulness.  I know the API is marked 
experimental, but is it intended to have a targeted use?  If so - can you 
describe it? 

Pat McCarthy 

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