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RE: [platform-ui-dev] Parameterized Commands (was 'Key Binding Problem')

> It still seems like we need the ability to define command
> definitions programatically.  Clients such as the Visual Editor
> Project do not know anything in their palette ahead of time, and
> could not define the necessary commands in their plugin.xml.  I'm
> not sure that parameterized commands would solve the problem.  
> Basically, we would have to call the command a "palette button", and
> the parameter would have to be flexible enough to define anything at
> all. The list of choices would not be fixed, but could be based on
> the JavaBeans which had been added to the palette by the user.  
> Palettes may even be specific to Java Projects, which is another
> reason why we need to edit the keybindings in our palette's dialog
> and not the (global) preference page.  Maybe we should just use
> Display.addFilter().

Right now, the parameter is any Object, and we haven't even defined the parameter class yet. Therefore, I think the opportunity exists to make this flexible enough for you. How is a dynamic set of palette options different from any of the other use cases? (run launch configurations, run macros, open views)

Not only do I think parameterized commands is there right thing for your use case, there is still the possiblity we can allow clients to define a command programmatically, but this is currently not exposed in the api. We just haven't seen any use cases yet which aren't best covered by parameterized commands. (in our humble opinion :)

> The new API is prone to making mistakes.  When a client creates a
> handlersubmission specific to a WorkbenchSite, this seems similar to
> the old way of registering an Action with the Site's keybinding
> service.  But there is a difference.  For the 2.1 keybinding
> service, it was "set it, and forget it".  When the part was
> disposed, the registered actions were released.  I realize that the
> current API means there is a single entry point for hooking up all
> kinds of handlers (site-specific, window-specific, workbench-
> global).  So doing it the old way would mean there would have to be
> entry points in 3 different places (4 with IPageSite).  More work
> for you, less for clients.

IKeyBindingService always had an unregisterAction method, but no one used it properly, instead relying on 'set and forget' - something the API doesn't even guarantee. We will be asking people to remove their handlers when their part is disposed.

> There are some issues in the latest integration build.
> -If you enable a context, but do not register any handlers, the
> keybindings get consumed by the workbench.

I'm not clear on your example, but I will take a guess. We decided the commands could win the right to keybindings provided the scope, configuration, platform, etc. was correct only, whether or not those commands had handlers. From the keybinding side, it thinks of a command without handlers the same as 'disabled'. If you have a strong case why this should not be the case, we can consider changing this behavior.

> -A HandlerSubmission specifying an IPageSite doesn't work.
> -registering actions through the keybinding service still causes
> memory leaks.  CU editor for example.

We will check into these, thanks.

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