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[platform-ui-dev] Editing of external files

I have some questions about the new RCP code having to do with editing files not in the workspace (using I20031111):

- What's the relationship between ILocationProvider and IPathEditorInput? Are both needed?

- OpenExternalFileAction uses JavaFileEditorInput (which seems misnamed) which in turn implements ILocationProvider and IEditorInput. Will JavaFileEditorInput or something like it be made public, as a non-IDE counterpart to FileEditorInput? Or is everybody expected to roll their own?

- IDE.openEditor() has a long list of rules for picking the right editor, many of which are not IDE specific. Can that logic be moved somewhere else so it can be shared? Perhaps in the editor registry, or IWorkbenchPage.openEditor(). 

- IDEWorkbenchPlugin.DEFAULT_TEXT_EDITOR_ID doesn't seem like it belongs in IDEWorkbenchPlugin since non-IDE apps can have default text editors too. If it moved, that would allow more common editor picking logic.

- I have a couple of plugins that want to open a file at a given line number. The file may or may not be in the workspace so I find myself duplicating most of the code in OpenExternalFileAction. It would be nice if there were an IDE routine that said "open this string/IPath/File wherever it lives using the right editor" and all that logic could be shared.


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