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Re: [platform-ui-dev] getTooltipText() on IEditorReference


There is no guarantee that the tool tip corresponds to a full path.  The 
problem here is that editors and editor inputs are so generic that they 
may not even correspond to a resource.
Several implementations of IEditorInput in the SDK just answer the simple 
name for the tool tip.

We should check our use of this to ensure that we handle this properly, 
and we should consider extending editor inputs to support the notion of 
path (but being careful not to introduce any assumptions that the input is 
an IResource).


Jared Burns <jared-eclipse@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: platform-ui-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
12/22/02 10:48 PM
Please respond to platform-ui-dev

        To:     platform-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject:        [platform-ui-dev] getTooltipText() on IEditorReference


I noticed that the UI team's implementation of the Editors view has a 
preference to "Show full name" of an editor. The implementation of this 
feature returns IEditorReference#getTitleToolTip() as the label.

Are all implementers of IEditorPart expected to return something that 
corresponds to a "full name" in their tooltip? If so, should this be added 
the API?

I ask because I considered using the tooltip this way a while back but I 
decided not to because I didn't see anything in the JavaDoc to guarantee 
displaying the tooltip as a label would always make sense. If the tooltip 
considered valid, I'd be happy to use it.

- Jared
platform-ui-dev mailing list

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