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Re: [platform-ui-dev] 2.1.M3 , some wishes


Please file separate feature requests in bugzilla for these 
(  Some of these are JDT-specific and belong 
in JDT-Text.  The rest can go in Platform-Text.
If there are issues other than in the text editors, you can file them 
against JDT-UI or Platform-UI.

Note that Incremental Find does currently wrap around, if you hit it 
again.  This is consistent with emacs.


"Guiraud, Laurent" <laurent.guiraud@xxxxxxx>
Sent by: platform-ui-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
11/21/02 10:34 AM
Please respond to platform-ui-dev

        To:     platform-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject:        [platform-ui-dev] 2.1.M3 , some wishes

Hi Dev men,
may be some of the questions I ask here are not relevant for this mailing 
list, but  ...
I'm using eclipse 2.1M3, and would like to comment/propose new features: 
The introduction of key bindings is really cool. I missed it from the 
beginning. The only drawback is that not all keys are customizable, I hope 
this is coming. Regarding comments on the build notes it seems to .I 
actually would like to have Alt+space, F1...F12, and so on. and be able to 
redefine debug keys. It also requires that debug actions appear. It's 
always the same you have some habits that are very hard to kill;-) 
Another point is the "inline indentation" a la emacs like it is now 
provided by JB7 for those who tried. This is really missing at the moment 
and I don't know if this is targeted for 2.1. 
incremental search like JB/emacs that goes back to the beginning of the 
page when it reached the end ... and also the ability to do it on the 
current mouse selection. 
Mouse selection that allows to select the line, including the line feed. 
This allows to duplicate a line far faster than any other technic. 
Deselection when copying data to clipboard. 
The latter for now is the ability to quickly make a kind of grep in the 
current file on the selection. (may be this exists but ...) 
BTW thanks to all of you for you great job.
Happy Coding,

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