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Re: [platform-swt-dev] [cdt-dev] swt-binaries and maven

On Mon, 2012-10-15 at 15:02 +0200, Martin Eisengardt wrote:

> Of course this does not match the current SWT-binaries project
structure and you might need some refactoring. However I think this
could be done in future. If you choose to use maven-nar-plugin one day
it does not mean to migrate swt today.

This is not the simplest path. To migrate anything to Eclipse Foundation
you need to gather some community around your tool [1], and given that
the plugin itself was not quite actively developed, it does sound like a
risk for a project to rely on it. My concerns are:
	a. will it suite projects needs
	b. is there someone who knows how to use/fix it?

In the CBI, we are in the huge need of a good native build of SWT,
filesystem, network support and launchers. Currently we use
maven-ant-runner, which has many limitations, and were unable to find
out a better solution, which is a big opportunity for the NAR plugin -
patches for the mentioned project would definitely help nar...


PS. Let's limit further discussion only to cbi-dev.
Krzysztof Daniel <kdaniel@xxxxxxxxxx>
Red Hat

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