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[platform-swt-dev] SWT port for Swing, progresses


FYI :)

I continued a bit my work on the Swing port, and now it can also handle: 
- Scroll bars for Composite (not subclasses yet, but it is now easy to 
- Tab folders. 
- Tables (with checkboxes, but not yet showing the gray ones in gray), 
packing columns (double clicking between column headers works), with 
scroll bar support. 

I think I will now start working on trees, or some pending issues (like 
automatic shut down of the swing's event thread, without the need for a 
System.exit(0) call when programme should end) 

It is still not usable as a complete replacement for a native library. 
Nevertheless, the development process is going well. 

For a detailed status of this Swing port, check on the website:

Best Regards, 

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