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Re: [platform-swt-dev] Mac OS X port: Tree/MacUtil question


Hi Andre,
I found it inthe ControlManager API reference at:

(without linebreak :-)

Select the "API" link on the right hand side and drill down until you find the link to "NewControl".

Thanks Martin.
I think Apple does not recommend NewControl because NewControl is too generic, and it is not always clear what the arguments minimumValue, maximumValue etc. mean for a specific control. A few sentences further below they say: "Use the specific control creation function instead (for example, CreateCheckboxControl)." So Apple does not seem to recommend GetNewControl but all the CreateXxxxControl methods.

I'm not following this recommendation because I have my own generic MacUtil.newControl that does much more than the standard NewControl and I don't want to 'inline' its inplementation into all the places where I would use the recommended CreateXxxxControl calls.

If you have a better solution please let me know

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