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[platform-swt-dev] problems building swt on OS X

Hello. I downloaded the 05-05 source for Eclipse and followed the README instructions. I'm using a brand-spanking new PowerBook G4 with the latest beta Developer tools. When I try to build the project, I get what is pasted at the bottom of this message. I fully admit that I am completely unfamiliar with the Project Builder tools and very new to Mac development in general. I am a former Unix sysadmin, so I do know my way around the command line, and am an experienced java developer also.

One thing that looks strange to me in the Project Builder view of things is that the java source starts with the "swt" directory, instead of the top of the "org.eclipse" heirarchy. I don't know if this is normal, or the source of my problems (no pun intended). I did verify that is in the source tree, although the error is that Project Builder can't find it.

My main goal is to get a working swt.jar and a working native library for my machine/OS. I don't really need all of Eclipse at this point, as I'm working on a stand-alone swt application at the moment. Any help in getting those built would be appreciated. If someone wanted to email me the files, that would be fine, also, as I'm using IDEA for my java development right now and don't feel like I need to build them myself from scratch.

I apologize if this issue has been addressed already. I looked through the list archives for this particular problem and was unable to find it. Point me to a FAQ if my answer is somewhere I haven't seen. Thanks very much for all your help!

Here's what the build log looks like:

/usr/bin/jam -d1 JAMBASE=/Developer/Makefiles/pbx_jamfiles/ProjectBuilderJambase JAMFILE=- build ACTION=build _DEFAULT_GCC_VERSION=2.95.2 _GCC3_IS_IN_OFFICIAL_LOCATION=YES BUILD_STYLE=Development CPP_HEADERMAP_FILE=/Users/john/projects/SWT/build/ hmap SRCROOT=/Users/john/projects/SWT OBJROOT=/Users/john/projects/SWT/build SYMROOT=/Users/john/projects/SWT/build DSTROOT=/tmp/Eclipse.dst
...updating 13 target(s)...
Mkdir /Users/john/projects/SWT/build/
JavaCompile.default <CompileJava>OS
BuildPhase <DeriveAndCompileSources>OS
Completed phase <DeriveAndCompileSources> for <DeriveAndCompileSources>OS
BuildPhase <JavaArchiveFiles>OS
Completed phase <JavaArchiveFiles> for <JavaArchiveFiles>OS
Mkdir /Users/john/projects/SWT/build/
ClassArchive.jarArchive /Users/john/projects/SWT/build/OS.jar
added manifest
adding: org/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: org/eclipse/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: org/eclipse/swt/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: org/eclipse/swt/internal/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: org/eclipse/swt/internal/carbon/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: org/eclipse/swt/internal/carbon/OS.class(in = 27379) (out= 27379)(stored 0%) adding: org/eclipse/swt/internal/Library.class(in = 2063) (out= 2063)(stored 0%)
BuildPhase <LinkWithFrameworksAndLibraries>OS
Completed phase <LinkWithFrameworksAndLibraries> for <LinkWithFrameworksAndLibraries>OS PhaseScriptExecution <Execution>/Users/john/projects/SWT/build/
=== Script ===
javah -classpath "${OBJROOT}/" -force -d . org.eclipse.swt.internal.carbon.OS
--- Output ---
Error: Class org.eclipse.swt.internal.carbon.OS could not be found.
=== Exit code: 15 ===

    echo "=== Script ==="
cat "/Users/john/projects/SWT/build/"
    echo "--- Output ---"
    echo "=== Exit code: ${_result} ==="
    exit ${_result}

...failed PhaseScriptExecution <Execution>/Users/john/projects/SWT/build/
sh ...

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