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Re: [platform-swt-dev] How to launch a Carbon app without any wrappers?

i think someone on the apple java list talked about an ant task for building app

and yep..

Ulf Holm Nielsen

On onsdag, juni 5, 2002, at 02:07 , Mike Wilson wrote:

If you could drive MRJAppBuilder from the command line (or something equivalent to that), you could just use an Ant task to automate driving it.

Unfortunately, this would mean that Eclipse would not be a *standalone* development environment, because you would still need to have MRJAppBuilder available.

Is there anybody from Apple reading this list who could help us out with the answer? Or perhaps someone who knows someone who...


On Wednesday, June 5, 2002, at 05:44 AM, Andre Weinand wrote:

Hi Björn,

There is an application in Developer/Applications called
MRJAppBuilder. Maybe that's what you are looking for. It creates
application bundles out of java classes/jars. You can also include
other jars. MRJAppBuilder takes care of your classpath.

Yes I know, but MRJAppBuilder is exactly what I want to avoid.

On any Java platform I can launch a Java application from the command line with
	"java <name_of_class_with_main>".
This even works on MacOS X if the Java application happens to use AWT.

However if the application uses SWT (which at least conceptionally is
identical to AWT), I can start the app but I cannot activate its top
level windows. As a consequence I don't get a menubar. And there is
no icon in the Dock.

If I start the application by using MRJAppBuilder everything works fine.

So I'm looking for the magic that MRJAppBuilder is using in order to
start a java application that behaves like a normal Mac application
with GUI.

But thanks for your help anyway.


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