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Re: [platform-releng-dev] Stop listing transitive dependencies in features?

I think we have at least a mismatch in the documentation here, the eclipse help for feature dependencies state:

> The Dependencies page lists all Required Features and Plug-ins that must be present in the product before the feature can be installed. If any of these pre-requisites are missing, the feature will not be installed.

So actually either the documentation is wrong, or P2 behaves wrong installing *any* dependency, because according to the docs these are requirements that needs to be present or the feature will never be installed.

So strictly speaking I think if a feature does not list a dependency, it should be installed anyway but without any additional items (e.g. transitive ones)!

Sadly the "recompute when feature plugins change" checkbox is not persistent, otherwise one might use that flag to decide if (unlisted) dependencies should be computed e.g on tycho-build time...

Am 09.04.22 um 14:42 schrieb Mickael Istria:

On Sat, Apr 9, 2022 at 2:35 PM Christoph Läubrich <laeubi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:laeubi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    So if we require *this* version of a bundle
    that is present at the given build that should be expressed in the
    feature as it is part of the "a set of plugins that all together
    provide an interesting and consistent functions to user".

If a specific version is required, then it's up to its direct consumer to express the restriction/range. Not something the feature should be responsible of.

    And as one could describe version ranges on bundles as well I see this
    is almost never used correctly and P2 does a bad job in deciding the
    right things then (not P2 fault of cause).

Maybe the fact that feature have some responsibilities that shouldn't be theirs actually prevent developers from being driven towards doing things where they make most sense (eg adding ranges in bundle requirements)

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