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[platform-releng-dev] CBI Platform build status

Here's my assessment of the state of the CBI Platform build.  First, many thanks to Thanh (for doing the work :-), the rest of the CBI team for their help, and the Platform team for their quick response in making changes in the component repos.  Great progress has been made.

You can see our Platform build dependency tree from

Functionality missing from our built SDK or build repo that is necessary:

- The ISV docs aren't included in the SDK.  It has to do with not being able to add plugins like the ISV doc to generated source features:
Bug 389762 - Add support to tycho-source-feature-plugin to allow including non-source bundles
- our workaround of manually creating the source feature to include the ISV docs has run into a problem as well:
Bug 389983 - manually created source feature FAILURE
Bug 389985 - default-build-qualifier-aggregator fails to build source feature
The above needs help from someone with deep maven knowledge or fixes in tycho.  Also, I'm not convinced this is a great workaround as the source feature will have a different qualifier from the real feature.

- the ISV doc bundles don't include any scheme or source.  This depends on calling out to eclipse to run tasks like pde.convertSchemaToHTML/help.buildIndex and possibly providing alternate options and build.xml files.  We're not sure what to do here, the suggestion is to call tycho-eclipserun-plugin
Bug 385410 - Build documentation using tycho

Native launchers and org.eclipse.equinox.executable, org.eclipse.rcp.configuration, org.eclipse.equinox.core.feature, etc:
Bug 380695 - restore native launchers in equinox.starterkit.product and equinox.core features
Bug 370704 - equinox launchers build
- our workaround for this included copying files from another repo, but Igor pointed out that's not the correct convention.  Waiting on a maven friendly way of publishing the artifacts earlier on in the build and consuming them for the many features that include these root files.

Bug 386599 - root.* properties are missing
Bug 361204 - root.permissions property does not support wildcards/patterns
Bug 386263 - Add support for root.folder.<subfolder> and root.<config>.folder.<subfolder>
- we have workarounds for bug 386599 and bug 361204 but we need 386263 to support Mac.  Plus the same maven-friendly way of getting the binary artifacts.

- swt-*.zip files need to be created using the appropriate maven magic.
Bug 390020 - Create the swt-<buildId> files

The .api_description files are missing.  These are important, they are used as part of the baseline that helps us manage the version numbers based on our API rules.  We think this need to be in tycho.
Bug 381057 - CBI should be able to generate the API tools description

The ECJ jar is not currently being generated
Bug 385154 - JDT core is not ready for tycho builds
- I think we need some maven magic here to post-assemble the ecj jar

org.eclipse.jdt.launching is not getting a jar created. Waiting on a maven friendly way of publishing the artifacts earlier on in the build and consuming them
Bug 385959 - org.eclipse.jdt.launching uses customBuildCallbacks

The 2 bugs that are driving the above bugs:

Bug 377190 - CBI Platform SDK product compared with Upstream SDK product
Bug 378234 - CBI build should produce a comparable build output repo

I should have the comparisons, the current state, later on today.

Functionality that's missing that we could wait until Kepler:

Our EclipseSource-References headers are missing.  Used to import bundles from the repositories.
Bug 389724 - Eclipse-SourceReferences missing
Bug 380872 - Add support for Eclipse-SourceReference headers

We're missing a class from one of our compatibility bundles:
Bug 384873 - org/eclipse/core/runtime/IPluginDescriptor is missing in runtime_registry_compatibility.jar

Changes that need to be made to our aggregator/component repos by us:

Bug 375554 - Be able to specify the jdt.core used for compiling
- looks like we can specify that ourselves in our POM, so this has a solution (we think).

Bug 369798 - Add signing capability to the CBI build for the eclipse platform
- We have a workaround, either deleting the eclipse.inf or excluding it from packing (and excluding children)
- we're having to look at our p2 fix again, it might be causing problems.

Paul Webster
Hi floor.  Make me a sammich! - GIR

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