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Re: [platform-help-dev] standalone help from multiple hosts


We hope to have a driver and related docs for the standalone available
sometimes this week.
When you say "standalone" do you mean the server-based info-center help or
the application bundled help? It looks like you are really talking about a
combination of them that is closerr to the info-center scenario.

By our terminology, the standalone help is a java jar package that someone
can call in its java application to display help, more like Java Help. So,
a client Java application would call some API, like to launch the help view or to display
context sensitive help. The context sensitive help may be implemented as a
simply launching the help view with the Links tabs opened, and with all the
related links available there.

The info-center help is a server-based help that is accessed by a client
browser, by specifying some URL. Clients are IE5+, Mozilla and NS4 (this
one would likely have a not-so-nice-interface). The server support is JSP
1.2 and Servlet 2.3 (although I think it would work with JSP 1.1 and
Servlet 2.2).
Notice that there is no help client running, it is just the the system
browser loading a remote URL that happens to be the page for an
eclipse-based help.

Having said that, it looks like your questions are related to some
combination of standalone and infocenter and it is not a scenario that we
currently support.
Can you implement your solution using just the info-center scenario by
launching your own browsers?

                    Hennum/Oakland/IBM@IBMUS        To:     platform-help-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx                                                  
                    Sent by:                        cc:                                                                                    
                    platform-help-dev-admin@e       Subject:     [platform-help-dev] standalone help from multiple hosts                   
                    03/15/2002 11:48 PM                                                                                                    
                    Please respond to                                                                                                      

Hi, Ecliptians:

How would we use standalone Eclipse help to provide help for two
applications that
download from different hosts and are open at the same time during a
browser session?

A.  Install a separate copy of Eclipse help on each host.

    The concern about this approach would be whether two instances of
    could run at the same time without collision.  If both use the same
window names
    for their frames, couldn't URLs be directed to the wrong framework?

B.  Install a single copy of Eclipse and both documentation plugins on a
single host.

    The concern about this approach is about the maintenance burden caused
by separating
    the help from the application.  As applications are added and removed
from remote hosts,
    that would require adding and removing documentation plugins from the
central host.  Also,
    applications would have to know the URL for the central host.

Other ideas?  I noticed that the Eclipse can support content pages on a
remote host
(except for fulltext search, but it seems clear that Lucene could support
remote indexing
since it does no IO directly).

By the way, what platforms does standalone Eclipse support?  Any client
with Internet Explorer 4+
or Netscape 4+?  Any web server that supports Servlet2.2 and JSP1.1?

Thanks in advance,

Erik Hennum

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