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RE: [platform-debug-dev] Extending launch configurations

Although I understand what you are saying, this bothers me for a couple of reasons.
First, there is the effort involved on my part.  I agree that by using helpers classes and other tricks, I can reduce the amount of effort involved in getting things to work.  But, there is certainly more effort required than it seems it should be.  The things that I can think of (off the top of my head...) include the launch config tab, the launch config tab group, the launch config delegate and the launch shortcut.  Depending on how this is done, parts of these can and will be reused.  But, in many cases the pieces are *almost* exactly the same as the code that is already there in the platform.
Second is the performance impact of doing things this way.  I may be thinking about this wrong, but it seems like there is a lot of redundancy in order to add a single launch config tab and some JVM command-line parameters.  If I'm stealing code, I'm increasing the footprint of the workbench and plugins which is in direct conflict with the goals of the 2.1 development stream to lower the memory required.  I also wonder if I'm going to force the platform to activate more plugins to make my coded extensions to PDE, etc. work as necessary.
I guess what I'm thinking would be nice is a set of extension points:
1) A tab group addition extension point that allows a new launch configuration tab to be added to a named launch config tab group.
2) An extension to somehow get some amount of control during delegation without being responsible for the complete launch delegation procedure.  Perhaps just a way to alter/augment some well-known launch configuration attributes such as the command-line parameters, etc.
Am I crazy for thinking this?  If not, I'm more than willing to write up a feature request.  On the other hand if this is not something that is a common need then I will just trudge through the work as is.
-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Szurszewski [mailto:Joe_Szurszewski@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2003 9:24 AM
To: platform-debug-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [platform-debug-dev] Extending launch configurations


I don't think there is any other way currently to accomplish the same task.  Creating new config types with associated new delegates IS the extension mechanism for launch configurations.  'Stealing' JDT code isn't a problem, that's what it's there for :-)  As for reducing the workload for future config types that require your profiling behavior, you can certainly reuse your profiling tab for each config type, and you can also create an abstract delegate class that has multiple concrete extenders, one for each config type that needs profiling.  In this way, I think you can make that task of creating a new profiling config type very simple.


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