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Re: [platform-core-dev] Attn Jed: Alternate auto refresh plugin


Please ask.  There's no harm in that. :)

Just so you know, I have sent a request to webmaster to delete your 
attachment.  This is necessary because you do not own all of the code in 
that attachment.  No hard feelings, I hope.

I am still interested in your code, could you repost just the pieces of 
the code that you own?  I will take a look at it and see if it makes sense 
to try and incorporate it.



Sent by: platform-core-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
04/01/2003 05:30 PM
Please respond to platform-core-dev

        To:     platform-core-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject:        Re: [platform-core-dev] Attn Jed: Alternate auto refresh plugin

On 04/01/2003 01:11:47 PM platform-core-dev-admin wrote:
> Is there any way you could contact the owner of the thirdparty code? 
> he/she is willing to release this code under a license we can accept 
> is best) I don't think we can use it (of course IANAL).

I could always ask, but I doubt it - the author has a commercial product 
based on a much newer version of the source -

Before I started using his code - I started writing my own implementation, 

which mostly works, but it is inefficient in that it creates a new thread 
for each directory watched, and locks up the JVM on shutdown =)

I could work on that some more if you want - or pass it to you in its 
uncompleted state if you feel like hacking on it - basically just need to 
call ReadDirectoryChangesW asynchronously - which was a little hairier 
than I had time to get into:


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