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Re:[platform-core-dev] RFC 0002 - Importing and Exporting Projects

You could store some sort of CRC or message digest in the metadata file 
that could be checked against the import contents when the zip file is 
imported.  That reduces its brittleness a bit.  If I understand the 
purpose, the metadata file shouldn't appear as part of the project in the 
workspace after an import.  The only way it could go out of date is if the 
user unzipped it, modified some stuff, and rezipped it.
-- Dave

"Rodrigo Peretti/OTT/OTI" <Rodrigo_Peretti@xxxxxxx>
Sent by: platform-core-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
12/04/2001 01:39 PM
Please respond to platform-core-dev

        To:     platform-core-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject:        Re:[platform-core-dev] RFC 0002 - Importing and Exporting Projects

It seems that an approach having a separate file holding the metadata 
dropped into the project content area can be brittle. Seems very easy for 
this file to get out-of-date. Having a single file containing resources + 
metadata sounds more consistent.


"Greg Adams/OTT/OTI" <Greg_Adams@xxxxxxx>
Sent by: platform-core-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
12/04/2001 12:52 PM
Please respond to platform-core-dev

        To:     platform-core-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject:        Re:[platform-core-dev] RFC 0002 - Importing and 
Exporting Projects

Randy's suggestion is an interesting variant on my observation. I was 
observing that if the meta data was just always stored as a file then no 
special facility/api is needed. Randy's interesting variant says if we 
really have to store it not as a file, then all we need is the ability to 
drop it into a file on export, and to create a project using the file 
(which we could call on import). 

I would probably use Jeff's argument from the marker article (I am not 
saying he would make that argument here) which is that I am concerned this 

feels like a point solution, which may not provide enough UI flexibility, 
and might be pushing on the wrong part of the solution (e.g. export api, 
vs. dealing with the meta data head on). Hopefully I am expressing this 
concern properly. 


Randy Giffen 
12/04/01 11:22 AM 

        To:        platform-core-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx 
        cc:        Karice McIntyre/OTT/OTI@OTI, Greg Adams/OTT/OTI@OTI 
        Subject:        Re:[platform-core-dev] RFC 0002 - Importing and 
Exporting ProjectsLink

Tod I am copying you because you have done the most recent work on 

I summary I don't understand why core would want to get into creating a 
projectExportFile. It seems to be just a zip that includes some metadata. 
Why doesn't core simply add api to produce/read this metadata description? 

A file with this metadata could be added to the project/read from the 
project on export/import using existing Folder/Zip wizards. 

<snipped out the rest of randy's email >

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