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Re: [platform-compare-dev] reusing RangeDifferencer


I'm playing with a potential generation/reverse-generation tool and one
of the things I'd like to do is diff/patch in changes into existing
code. I haven't been able to find a stand alone Java API for doing diffs
until I came across Eclipse's RangeDifferencer.

There is even a patch component containing a 'Patcher' that knows how
to apply patch files. However, that part is not as standalone as the

I'd like to copy the RangeDifferencer code out to its own, stand-alone
repository (possibly in either jakarta-commons or on I'm
not keen on two, separately-maintained code bases; would the compare
devs be interested in removing the RangeDifferencer code from the
eclipse repo and instead having a dependency the jar'd form of the other

We appreciate that you consider the RangeDifferencer for your own work,
however we think it would be too early for us to commit ourselves to
an external and not yet existent code base.
In addition the RangeDifferencer is a fairly small piece of code, so
having potentially two copies of it in one software system doesn't seem
to be a big problem.
Therefore I suggest that you make a copy of it.
And if you find bugs or add improvements please let us know and we will
decide whether we want to stay in synch...

Also, I'd appreciate any hints or concerns about separating out
RangeDifferencer code. I haven't seen any potential issues yet, but I
just came across the code. Does this sound like a good idea?

I think the RangeDifferencer has no dependencies on other parts of Eclipse,
so you shouldn't encounter any problems.


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