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RE: [platform-ant-dev] Cannot define custom ant task using xlalan/xerces

Hi Gabriel,

I have only a general comment. Would it not be better, even in your environment, to build up the classpath within the ant script ? I prefer this because I do not have to configure any IDE to run my scripts, and I do also not have to write a start script to run the build from command line.

Regards Sascha
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Gabriele Garuglieri <gabriele.garuglieri@xxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: platform-ant-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date:  Thu, 10 Apr 2003 09:31:56 +0200

>eclipse 2.1
>java (build 1.4.1_02-b06)
>I'm tring to use use an ant build.xml where there's defined an ant task
>that uses xalan/xerces to parse an xml file.
>When used outside of eclipse with xalan 2.4.1 and xerces 2.2.0
>everything works ok.
>When i try to use the same build.xml from within eclipse the task blows
>off with the following message:
>BUILD FAILED: file:C:/home/dev/XMLiv/build/build.xml:247: Unable to
>parse xml file:dependencies.xml
>If i try to put those xalan/xerces jars earlier in the classpath now
>there is an eclipse ant task that blows off:
>  +User task: eclipse.refreshLocal
>BUILD FAILED: java.lang.VerifyError: (class:
>org/apache/xerces/parsers/IntegratedParserConfiguration, method:
>configurePipeline signature: ()V) Incompatible type for getting or
>setting field.
>The same happens if, following the doc, i try to use an external ant
>implementation defining ANT_HOME from External tools panel.
>In my opinion, the ant support should allow users to have a complete
>control on the ant classpath and tasks like jbuilder8 does where in fact
>this same build.xml works ok.
>I should be able to completely exclude or selectively include any
>eclipse library or plugin from the build without loosing the possibility
>to launch ant targets from the ant view.
>In a few words i think that there should be the possibility to unselect
>from the External tools panel the task, types and properties defined in
>the general ant runtime, for a specific run.
>Regards,  Gabriele
>Disclaimer: before anybody says "stop doing nasty things with ant and do
>it the eclipse way" like someone did once, i have to say that we develop
>on W2k but the application deployment build is done in strictly
>controlled environment on Solaris servers using ant, so we must ensure
>that the build works the same in all the platforms.
>platform-ant-dev mailing list

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