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Re: [platform-ant-dev] Testing Ant in a target workspace

Please see bug 24269  for all of the details of the problem we are seeing.


|         |           "Rodrigo Peretti"      |
|         |           <Rodrigo_Peretti@xxxxxx|
|         |           m>                     |
|         |           Sent by:               |
|         |           platform-ant-dev-admin@|
|         |             |
|         |                                  |
|         |                                  |
|         |           10/01/02 08:05 AM      |
|         |           Please respond to      |
|         |           platform-ant-dev       |
|         |                                  |
  |                                                                                                        |
  |        To:      platform-ant-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx                                                           |
  |        cc:                                                                                             |
  |        Subject: Re: [platform-ant-dev] Testing Ant in a target workspace                               |

Hello everyone,

Sorry for taking this long to jump into the discussion. I used to use PDE
(Runtime-Workbench) to develop Ant normally. The only thing that differs
ant.core and the plug-ins that contribute Ant tasks is that they have to
build the JARs that contribute the tasks before starting the Runtime
Workbench. These JARs are not the plug-in libraries. They are any extra
JARs you are contributing through the following extension point (example
from ant.core):

- <extension point="org.eclipse.ant.core.extraClasspathEntries">
          <extraClasspathEntry library="lib/antsupportlib.jar" />

In order to make it easier I associated an external tools builder to
produce the JAR for ant.core when you do a full build. So, If you do a full
build on ant.core and start your runtime-workbench in debug mode and run an
Ant buildfile should be able to debug ant.core and any tasks you might

Let me know if you have any problem,


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