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Re: [photran] Fortran source beautifier, pretty printer


can anyone comment on this?

I found the following tools:
    floppy - (fortran 77 only)
    SPAG - (commercial)
    for_struct - (commercial)
    tidy -
(fortran 77 only)
    emacs -

In my point of view the best pretty printer for fortran90 is f90ppr,
which is part of moware-1.0
    1. download it from
    2. change the compiler in the Makefile
    3. compile
    4. add some keywords to the top of your f90-file (check f90ppr.1 for
more infos):
        $define FPPR_MAX_LINE 132
        $define FPPR_STP_INDENT 4
        $define FPPR_FXD_IN 0
        $define FPPR_FXD_OUT 0
        $define FPPR_KWD_CASE FPPR_LOWER
        $define FPPR_USR_CASE 0
    5. call "f90ppr < orig.f90 > pretty.f90"

Jens Henrik

P.S: emacs was a nice try, but failed with a line like this:
if( then; write(*,*) 'MPI_File_set_atomicity() error:',ierr;
goto 10; endif

Jens Henrik Goebbert schrieb:
> Hi photran-developer,
> thanks for this great editor.
> I am using it since a couple of years now and have not seen any better one.
> There are already great tools to speedup coding and I wonder, if we will
> see a source beautifier some day?
> Right now I open my Fortran files once in a while with emacs to use its
> f90-indent, but this will only fix some white spaces (and even gets
> confused by a semicolon).
> But if I get source from other projects, it is sometimes very difficult
> to read.
> For C/C++ source beautifier are very powerful.
> It is possible to select a certain "style" and the source becomes
> readable and uniform.
> It would be great to have such a tool in photran.
> Regards,
> Jens Henrik
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