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Re: [photran] call graph generator for photran ?

Title: sincerely_yours.txt
Le 08/06/2011 15:34, Alexis Rohou a écrit :
Hi Michel,

I use doxygen to generate call and caller graphs for my fortran projects. There is an Eclipse plugin for doxygen called eclox.

The actual graphs are drawn by graphviz, which you'll also need installed:

Thanks for the answer! I appreciate your help.

I installed eclox and doxygen (graphviz was already installed by ???).
After restart of eclipse, I have generated a doxygen file in my src folder by "File->New->Other->Other->Doxygen Configuration"
Then I have double-clicked on that file and in the "Diagrams to generate" part of the window, I tried first "use dot tools from the GraphViz package to generate:" with only "call graphs" checked.
Then I right-clicked on the doxygen file and chose "Build documentation".
I got html and Latex folders but cannot find anything that looks like a call graph there.

I also tried "use built-in diagram generator", with the same problem at the end.
It is my first encounter with doxygen and I am a bit lost.
Could you please give me some more guidance?
Sincerely yours,

Michel DEVEL

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