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[photran] Pb with FORALL and CONTAINS for extract subroutine refactoring

Title: sincerely_yours.txt
Dear photran developpers,

I recently encountered 2 problems while trying to refactor a fortran program that builds and execute correctly:

The refactor preview window tells me that there is a syntax error in another subroutine which contains a line with a FORALL (I also get it in the "outline view").
(FORALL (I=1:NAT) DIPOLES(3*I-2:3*I,:) = ALPHA(:,:,I))
If I simply comment this line the syntax error disappears.

Similarly I also get another syntax error in a subroutine with a "contains" that disappears when I comment the contains and the subsequent internal subroutine
Sincerely yours,

Michel DEVEL

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