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Re: [photran] Configuring Eclipse to run Intel Visual Fortran

Photran interacts with a Fortran compiler in three ways.  It runs the
compiler by calling "make", so any compiler that can be run from
"make" can be run from Photran.  Then Photran must interpret the error
messages of the compiler.  In general, for each compiler that Photran
supports, there is a class in Photran that interprets error messages.
It doesn't take long to write this class, anywhere from a few hours
for an expert Photran developer to a few days for a good Java
programmer who is extending Photran for the first time.  Third,
Photran debus programs by using a Java wrapper around gdb.  In theory,
you could write a Java wrapper around any other debugger, so it is not
strictly necessary to use gcb, but so far you can only debug programs
that can be debugged by gcb.

The main problem with Intel Fortran for Photran on Windows is that
Intel has a policy (probably due to agreements they have made with
other companies) that they will only support Visual Studio on Windows
and Eclipse on Linix.  So, if Intel Fortran is to be supported by
Photran on Windows, someone else whill have to make it happen.

-Ralph Johnson

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