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Re: [photran] debugging with g95

Hi Inanc,
1) I can't get a variable to watch in the debugger because the actual
variable names do not show up in the debug view under variables.
This is a problem of g95 and the way it generates debugging symbols, they are not compatible with the debugging UI of Eclipse/CDT and hence the variables cannot be displayed properly.

2) In the fortran projects, I get the following error message for the
below function, but the code compiles and runs fine.
Try to add a new line at the end of the code.


Inanc Senocak wrote:
I am using the latest version of photran with eclipse-3.2RC5 under
windows. The fortran compiler is g95. I noticed 2 problems.

1) I can't get a variable to watch in the debugger because the actual
variable names do not show up in the debug view under variables.

2) In the fortran projects, I get the following error message for the
below function, but the code compiles and runs fine.

Error: Unexpected <End of Input>""

   function zwake(H,uH,ustar,lc,d,zo,nz) result(zw)

     integer countmax,count,nz
     real*8 error, errormax, Az, Bz, zwnew
     real*8 H, uH, ustar, lc, d, zo, vk, zw
     count = 1
     countmax = 2000
     error = .1
     errormax = .001

     zw = H !start at the height of the canopy

     do while (

        zw = zw + H/100
        Az = lc - (H/(zw-H)) * (vk*(zw-d) - lc)
        Bz = (1/(zw-H))*(vk*(zw-d)-lc)
        zwnew = zo*exp((vk/ustar)*((ustar/Bz)*log((Az+Bz*zw)/ &
                (Az+Bz*H))+uH)) + d
        error= abs((zw-zwnew)/zw)
        count = count + 1
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