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[photran] Missing highlighting

Ok, here are some missing/wrong highlighting examples. I will continue looking for more inside my code. I have copied the complete code line/block, since now with the new parser I guess that the context is important:

1) "cos" and "sin" are not identified as keywords:

Grid(i,j,:) = (/ r * cos(theta), r * sin(theta) /)

2) "maxval", "abs", and "sum" are not identified as keywords:

R_max  = maxval(abs(Equations(1:Number_Nodes_x-1,1:Number_Nodes_y-1,:)))
R_mean = sum( abs(Equations(1:Number_Nodes_x-1,1:Number_Nodes_y-1,:))) / ((Number_Nodes_x - 1) * (Number_Nodes_y - 1))

3) "log10" and "real" are not identified as keywords, and the end of the format specifier is identified as "Other", while the first & is identified as part of the string:

write(*,'("i = ",i5,", t = ",f9.4,", log(R_max) = ",f8.4, &
      ", log(R_mean) = ",f8.4,", t_CPU = ",f9.3)') &
      Step, Time, log10(R_max), log10(R_mean), real(time1 - time0)/1d6

4) "trim", "len_trim", "carriagecontrol", and "recordtype" are not identified as keywords:

inquire(file = trim(Initial_Condition), exist = File_Exists)

if((len_trim(Initial_Condition) /= 0).and.(File_Exists)) then

  open(542, file            = trim(Initial_Condition), &
            form            = 'unformatted',           &
            carriagecontrol = 'none',                  &
            recordtype      = 'stream'                 )

Greetings from Spain,


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