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Re: [pde-dev] [Target Platform editor] What's this update button?

Am 06.02.2014 um 19:23 schrieb Mickael Istria <mistria@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> 1. What is the "Update" button supposed to do? Add, Edit, Remove are explicit edition actions, and that's cool. However, I'm not sure I fully understand the meaning of this "Update" button. It makes me believe it is something like the "Reload" button in preferences, but it's probably not.
> Does this update button perform an action related to edition?

It updates the versions of all the IUs of the selected update site. For example, if you modify the references to an update site in the xml (eg. by switching to a location of a newer release) you then select the new update site and hit the button. It will then update all versions of the IU listed under that site.

It’s very useful when switching to new Orbit builds.

However, that unveils one of the biggest pain points I have with the TP editor. I can change the update site of some IUs via the editor. I always fall back to editing the XML. Also, modifying content also doesn’t work because it the dialog that pops up never pre-selects the IUs that where previously listed in the TP.

I wish the editor would have a source tab for editing the XML right next to the TP.

> 2. In case TP is already loaded, I would expect clicking on "Set As Target-Platform" to behave like reload. Actually I'd rather read "(Re)load target-platform", and have it the same effect that the "Reload" button.

Well, I think the editor can be smart and detect this case and instead of displaying "Set As TP" it should display "Reload this TP".


Gunnar Wagenknecht

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