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[pde-dev] PDE Contribution for I20090324

The map file has been updated for the following Bug changes:
+ Bug 229073. PDE launch configurations slow to open in dialog (FIXED)
+ Bug 245782. [product] creating products from OSGi launch configs (FIXED)
+ Bug 259763. [product] allow launcher bundles to be excluded (FIXED)
+ Bug 260953. Importing fragment without Import/Export-headers forgets java nature (FIXED)
+ Bug 264139. 3.5M5 - Target platform variable support broken (FIXED)
+ Bug 265651. [ds tooling] NPE in DSErrorReporter.reportIllegalPolicy (FIXED)
+ Bug 265908. LocalModelTest failing in HEAD (FIXED)
+ Bug 267036. [target] When there are no target platforms, adding one should make it active (FIXED)
+ Bug 267127. Change export to use new p2 publishing for metadata (NEW)
+ Bug 267848. PDE illegally complains about non-externalized strings (REOPENED)
+ Bug 267927. [cheatsheet] Inconsistent wording in RCP cheat sheet (FIXED)
+ Bug 267930. [cheatsheet] Confusing instructions defining a feature-based product (FIXED)
+ Bug 267939. [cheatsheet] Typo in Create an Update Site cheat sheet (FIXED)
+ Bug 268363. [product] Unable to open external .product file (FIXED)
+ Bug 268387. [ds tooling] new component wizard has "&" in class label (FIXED)
+ Bug 268595. [plug-in registry] NPE in LocalRegistryBackend (FIXED)
+ Bug 268616. Product launch fails (FIXED)
+ Bug 268692. Hyperlink for NLS'd strings in plugin.xml doesn't work (FIXED)
+ Bug 268696. CCE in RegistryBrowserLabelProvider (FIXED)
+ Bug 268709. [target] No plug-ins found for target defintion (FIXED)
+ Bug 268966. Import binary plug-ins does not update source attachment when replacing existing non-jared plug-ins (NEW)
+ Bug 269001. [ds tooling]: Problems with unnamed reference elements (FIXED)
+ Bug 269015. [ds] illegal reference to JavaElement not required (FIXED)
+ Bug 269041. [product] product launching requires a product definition (FIXED)
+ Bug 269107. [product] [editors] Product editor should take care of ProductModel#isEditable() (FIXED)
+ Bug 269110. [product] start levels aren't being propagated from product definition to launch configuration (FIXED)
+ Bug 269219. Missing keyboard accelerator on the target platform prefs page (FIXED)
+ Bug 269234. [tagret] test failure in nightly build (FIXED)
+ Bug 269252. Filter in Plug-in Dependencies throws Problem Occured (FIXED)
+ Bug 269371. Missing NLS string (FIXED)
+ Bug 269381. [ds tooling] Compiler warnings in N20090318-2000 (FIXED)
+ Bug 269382. [runtime] Compiler warnings in N20090318-2000 (FIXED)

The following projects have changed:


Chris Aniszczyk | EclipseSource Austin | +1 860 839 2465 |

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