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[pde-dev] [apitools] representing API

Olivier, Darin and I were talking on Friday about how to represent the API for a given class/package/bundle/jar/...  Our first cut was to define some set of information that is needed and then write that to a file in some form.  Pressing on this a bit more (i.e., looking at what would be needed) it started to look pretty complex.  That is, to support all the queries etc we want to do, quite a rich set of data is needed.  That in turn would imply some relatively complex infrastructure to manage the data and the queries.

Then we revisited something Darin had suggested a while ago, why not just use the classfiles themselves?  Initially this approach was rejected because of a) the bulk and b) the issues people will have with publishing their actual binaries just to support API usage scanning.  In reconsidering this we hit upon the idea of essentially stripping all the irrelevent (for our purposes) information from the class files and producing "API stub" class files that contain, in their full-featured form,
1) API signatures
2) all external references (where external is relative to some packaging notion defined by the context.  e.g., bundles in the OSGi context)
3) usage information (e.g., is a reference a result of a field reference, method call, class ref, ...)
4) line number information (where the reference is occurs)
5) supertype and interface information

Users should be able to optionally exclude each of these pieces of information to suit their needs.

These API stub classes would then be packaged together in a form similar to that of the original class files (e.g., as bundles) for the distribution or use of the API tooling (and other stuff.  see below).  For example, API stub bundles would contain manifest information similar to that of the original.

Packagings (or potentially the API stub classes themselves) would also contian supplementary API information such as whether or not clients can call certain methods, extend or implement various types, etc.

Cool things this all implies
- created, distributed and managed using the same provisioning/build infrastructure as the rest of Eclipse.
- Potential to compile against these stubs (this is useful when trying to validate lower-bound version range requirements)
- The API stub classes could be managed using all the regular JDT infrastructure
- Many of the existing PDE concepts and infrastructure (e.g., Target platforms) could be used to manage API stub lineups (e.g., API baselines)
- by maintaining the dependency info etc we can allow the same API analysis info (i.e., the stubs) to be reused in various configurations that match the runtime configuration.  otherwise people would have to maintain whole "configuration snapshots" and all the resultant duplicate information.
- doing the analysis/management work on at a finer grain paves the way towards incremental API tooling

- The first thing we need to understand is the sizing of this.  How big are the stub classes in the variations described above.  For example, if you just want to do API compatibility testing and compilation you only need signatures (#1) and hierarchy (#5)
- what does pack200 do with these classes?  Is there much compression to be had?
- how will we corelate orignal binary, source and API stub packagings (e.g., it would be great if the API stubs could be transparently substituted in for the real thing for compilation/build).

Anyway, this note is just to expose the idea and see if anyone has further thoughts.  I believe that Olivier is going to prototype the stub creation approach and start to answer some of these questions.


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