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[pde-dev] Problem exporting a package


I'm trying to reference a normal Java project called "NORMAL" from a
OSGi plugin project called "OSGIPROJ" in eclipse.

In OSGIPROJ I can configure the classpath to reference the NORMAL
project so I can use every class in that project without any problem.

The problem happens when I try to export a package contained in the
NORMAL project with a Export-Package header in the manifest file of
the OSGIPROJ project.

The manifest builder complains saying: Package 'org.normal' does not
exist in this plug-in. I can export any package of any jar dependency
without any problem but I can't with a referenced project.

Does anyone knows how to link a OSGi project with normal java project
and be able to export some package from the normal project?

Best regards,


So far, I have tried to have in the Bundle-ClassPath of the manifest
file the following:

1) Add a external dependency to the output directory of the NORMAL project
Bundle-ClassPath: .,

2) Create a link in the OSGIPROJ project to the output directory of
NORMAL and add the linked folder in the manifest
Bundle-ClassPath: .,

But without success, the manifest builder goes on complaining...

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