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Re: [pde-dev] packaging an exe with a plugin and running it while debugging

2007/6/19, Jesse Corrington <jesse.corrington@xxxxxxxxx>:
I am working on an eclipse plugin where I need to package an exe with it and
run it from my plugin code. I can bundle the exe with the plugin, but I am
not sure how to run it when I am debugging the plugin through eclipse. I
figured I could just get the path to it in my Activator.start(), using
context.getBundle().getLocation(). However, when debugging the plugin, this
is not a real path on disk. Is there any way I can launch this exe while
debugging the plugin?

from an IPATH/path to a "real file" use FileLocator (as long as i

 Also, to bundle the exe with the plugin I had to select for the pluging jar
to be extracted when installed, so the exe was outside of the jar. However,

here u have only 2 choice:
1) can u run all into a single jar (usually no) so:
2) extract data from the jar, cause this jar actually is usually only
a zip file used to simplify package install/download

this is not exactly what I want. I really want the plugin to be installed in
a folder with a jar file for the compiled source, all the other necessary
plugin files, and the exe file. How can I accomplish this.

did u see what happen when u use the plug in?
make a feature project, then a publish project,
upload it to a website, download and use your plugin
(look for itext article to do it)

Diego Zanga

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