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RE: [pde-build-dev] Subversion ant task and Fetch generator plugin

Hi Gunnar

My plugin uses the libraries supplied by Subclipse so I hope there won't be any problem with bundling these libraries. 
I could create a project on sourceforge but it seemed like a bit of over kill on such a small piece of code. 
I suppose the best way forward is to create a bugzilla and attach the plugin, so that people can at least use it. 
Ultimately I want it to be part of the eclipse basebuilder.


-----Original Message-----
From: Gunnar Wagenknecht [mailto:gunnar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 30 October 2006 14:22
To: Eclipse PDE Build developers list.
Subject: Re: [pde-build-dev] Subversion ant task and Fetch generator

Hi Chris,

Chris Vines wrote:
> I have created a subversion ant task and Fetch generator plugin for use with pde build. 
> I was wondering if there was any interest in it being added to the pde build project?

That's great news. I'm pretty sure that many people can't wait to get
this into their hands.

I don't know if it's possible to include this into Eclipse. It depends
on the involved external libraries and their license. However, a first
step would be to make you contribution available under the EPL. For
example, you could create a Bugzilla issue on and
attach it there.

Another good idea would be to create a project on SourceForgeand check
it in there. This could also be used to provide a download bundle that
includes both, the Eclipse base builder and your SVN integration.

If you need help creating such a bundle or a SF project let me know.

Cu, Gunnar

Gunnar Wagenknecht
pde-build-dev mailing list

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