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[orion-dev] shallow visual plugin example

I created a webchat plugin to demonstrate the most shallow integration that can be done with visual plugins.
It simply creates a primary navigation link (in the top banner) to a webchat client that is wrapped in the Orion banner. By default it opens up the orion-dev chat channel.

This is certainly not earth shattering. But it shows the very next step one can do beyond "link from Orion to a completely unrelated site."
Another mildly interesting thing is that the resulting chat has the chat input line above the Orion footer so it gives a taste of what a command line console feels like running in an Orion page.

I've also updated the pixlr image editing plugin so that it can now save data back to Orion. It works pretty well if your intent is to save once, but it's quite a few extra clicks if you are trying to edit/save/edit/save/edit/save.

The intent is to use these shallow integrations as a springboard for improving the workflows and for mapping out things we need to support better in Orion (data visibility, shell service API, etc.)


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