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Re: [orion-dev] embeddededitor vs minimaleditor

On 5/18/2011 9:55 AM, Susan Franklin McCourt wrote:

Hi, John. The only doc is currently in the original bug reports. Opened a bug to improve that. [1]

Minimal editor is intended to show bare minimum. No plug-in registry, plugins, commands, services, etc. Also no assumptions regarding js, css, html, no content assist or syntax highlighting, etc. This gives you the bare editor widget + common keybindings, example of showing problems in the annotation bar, etc.

Embedded editor adds the most common features one would expect if editing js/css/html, including content assist and syntax highlighting. It is still independent of the Orion service model (so, for example, editor plug-ins would not work). The features were chosen based on discussion in this bug [2]. I was assuming you would use embeddededitor.html and then tell me what is missing...

Unfortunately I think I can now tell you what is missing ;-)

The embeddededitor has 1) common features and 2) one-line toolbar. But what I need is either common features *or* a one-line toolbar.

The "common features" version would be the right pick for using orion to replace Firebug's "sourceBox" (in the Script panel). We don't need a toolbar because we want user to think they are using Firebug's Script panel.

The one-line toolbar version would be the right pick for Firebug's Orion panel. Here the goal is to be a full Orion client. But I find with the embedded editor that I will be essentially replicating the orion edit.html which makes no sense. I want the service model, in fact I want to plug Firebug into the service model. I want to drive edits directly onto the live objects in Firefox. Then when you're happy, Save.

I'm sorry I wasn't able to communicate this sooner, I just didn't understand what all of the terms meant.




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