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Re: [orbit-dev] New orbit bundle for cron jobs

On Tue, 2017-03-07 at 19:41 +0100, Christian Pontesegger wrote:
> For cron-utils I opened a bug [1] and pushed a first commit to gerrit
> [2].
> The initial CQ for usage in EASE was cleared for Parallel-IP, yet
> the 
> final clearance is still pending.
> Do we have to wait before we can create the piggyback CQ for orbit?

Yup, I see it's cleared for the parallel ip process (checkin flag set),
  so the only thing remaining is the add-to-orbit (ATO) CQ. The piggy-
back (PB) CQ that you filed is usually done to indicate you intend to
make use of it. Although projects do need to file the PB CQ, they
usually file it against the ATO CQ, to make it clear they're using the
bundle from Orbit, and not hosting it themselves somewhere.

> Further I would like to ask an existing committer to have a look at
> the 
> contribution. Alternatively I would ask for committer status to push 
> this topic further.

The change is < 1000 LOC so it should be fine to push as a
contribution. In the past, the contributions to Orbit included the
content itself (entire jar + sources) so being a committer was the only

I've added a few comments. It mostly looks fine, and doesn't affect
other bundles. Although with M6 released, I would try to encourage
fewer additions and maybe just bug fixes.

Roland Grunberg

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