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RE: [orbit-dev] Project Leadership

Thanks David.
Just for the records, I'm really glad that you accepted this new role. My concern with respect to the nomination was just that nobody might dare speak up in the light of Jeff's authority, so I thought I'd take the blame on myself :-) Special thanks to Markus and yourself for working with Bjorn on a better process definition for PL voting.
Martin Oberhuber, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Wind River
Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member

From: orbit-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:orbit-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of David M Williams
Sent: Montag, 09. Februar 2009 19:07
To: Orbit Developer discussion
Subject: Re: [orbit-dev] Project Leadership

Thank you all for your votes of confidence.

The process is complete and I am now your new leader!

As you can imagine, given that Jeff set so many things in smooth motion, there won't be changes to Orbit based on this change in leadership, but, if anyone needs any Project-Lead-type stuff, feel free to ask me, and in many cases remind me. :)

One the issues of method and transparency, I agree the process of getting a new Project Lead is not well understood, or documented (in fact, some of the existing documentation is clearly wrong, and Bjorn has agreed to put in on the list of things to improve in the next revision of the development process).

But given that, I can explain, in general, the normal process is for a PMC to determine a candidate to lead a project and ask for confirmation vote from the project's committers.

In my case, I know I was asked a long long time ago (6 months?) when Jeff felt he couldn't "give it justice" due to his other commitments. I originally declined (due to workload). I recently changed my mind and decided to accept, given that the workload won't really increase much from what I am already doing ... and because I like Eclipse so much, Orbit in particular!

As always, it is the committers that make a successful Project (not the leadership) and I think that the committers in Orbit are some of the best, most dedicated committers in Eclipse, and it's a pleasure to work with you.

Thanks again

Inactive hide details for Simon Kaegi ---02/09/2009 12:02:55 PM---We've now waited an extra week without any comment to your emSimon Kaegi ---02/09/2009 12:02:55 PM---We've now waited an extra week without any comment to your email. Is this sufficient to satisfy any


Simon Kaegi <Simon_Kaegi@xxxxxxxxxx>


Orbit Developer discussion <orbit-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


02/09/2009 12:02 PM


Re: [orbit-dev] David Williams vote summary

Sent by:


We've now waited an extra week without any comment to your email.
Is this sufficient to satisfy any process requirements or do we have to do something through the portal?

My take is that this is sufficient and that the hand-over process should begin officially if it hasn't already.


Inactive hide details for Jeff McAffer ---02/02/2009 03:47:09 PM---Of course you are correct in observing that the vote moved vJeff McAffer ---02/02/2009 03:47:09 PM---Of course you are correct in observing that the vote moved very quickly and that I likely should have left it sit for the full


Jeff McAffer <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


Orbit Developer discussion <orbit-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


02/02/2009 03:47 PM


Re: [orbit-dev] David Williams vote summary

Of course you are correct in observing that the vote moved very quickly and that I likely should have left it sit for the full week. The "pressing issue" is that I do not and have not had the time to devote to Orbit and there are things that need to get done. Since I started the Orbit project some years ago I've also added several other project responsibilities to my list. Lately I have not been paying as much attention to Orbit as I should have (though the related CQs sure keep me busy). Frankly it has only been running thanks to the quality hard work of people like David. With the flood of new things and people for Galileo and the development cycle closing I felt quite some project and personal pressure to "do it or get out".

As for the activity level, that has been a topic of much discussion. My statistical statements were not to imply that inactive participants do not get a vote but rather it wold only be reasonable to expect responses from folks who have been active/participating. We had an overwhelming and rapid response and IMHO the chances of a negative vote appearing are/were vanishingly small so rather than waiting for the inevitable I pressed forward to keep things rolling.

Not sure where to go from here. I certainly declare mea culpa and throw myself on the mercy of the Orbit community. Does anyone feel strongly that I should be undoing the EMO process?


Oberhuber, Martin wrote:

          is there anything that forces us to have the decision made so

          The call for vote was on Friday 8pm CET. I find it great that
          such a large number of Orbit committers have given their +1
          vote over the weekend until 10am CET, but putting it into
          the records that there was no 0 or -1 vote just over the weekend
          seems a bit odd.

          In my opinion, it would seem more natural to have a week pass
          before declaring the result, unless there are pressing issues.
          I'm not at all against David, and I extremely appreciate his
          expertise, effort and thoughtfulness. I further assume that
          there are good reasons for Jeff to resign, though I have also
          much appreciated his "final word" and crisp decision on things.
          Has anybody else even been asked whether he'd want to assume

          Furthermore, in terms of Orbit, I suspect that the activity
          counting is not correct. I'm listed as "inactive" which is
          understandable in terms of commits, since the libs under my
          custody haven't changed; but I have been active on the
          mailing list, have immediately voted whenever possible,
          updated the Wiki and been active on Bugzilla.


          Sorry, but this process doesn't seem as open and transparent
          as it should be. Again, if there are pressing needs to expedite
          this, I'm OK with David. If not, I'm in favor of doing this

          Martin Oberhuber, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Wind River
          Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member

          orbit-dev mailing list


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