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Re: [nebula-dev] Date submissions - Eric and Jeremy

> It would,
> however, be great if the Nebula group could work on a date selection API
> in conjunction with the SWT team because,

We are in agreement.  The current thinking is get/set 3 integers (day, month, year).  We have yet to figure out what to do with the formatting but will consult the operating systems (and Nebula).  I'm pretty sure that's not what you are asking, is it?

Jeremy Dowdall <jeremyd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: nebula-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

09/18/2006 05:43 PM

Please respond to
Nebula Dev <nebula-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Nebula Dev <nebula-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [nebula-dev] Date submissions - Eric and Jeremy

Steve Northover wrote:
> Sure.  The focus of SWT is native so a native version of the control is
> first priority for SWT.  For example, WinCE and phone versions of SWT
> have long wanted this native widget.  However, the native version of the
> control might be somewhat less flexible for desktop applications or some
> types of programs.  For example, a native calendar widget is unlikely to
> provide fine control over how a day is drawn or allow you to draw your
> own adornments over top.  A program that was based around a calendar
> might find this too restrictive and have need of an emulated version.
>  Hence, the Nebula one.  Do you agree?

As I work on a calendaring application, I certainly do agree that the
present native widgets are too restrictive.  For this type of
application a graphical date selector is a prominent part of the UI
which the user will reference and interact with on a very regular basis.
Being such an integral part of the application, I cannot afford for it
to appear and operate as differently as it does on each platform - I
need a date selector which will blend in with the native widget set, but
maintain a consist interface.  I also do not want to be restricted with
the functionality of 1/8 of my usable space, and thus may optimize more
than the native widgets.
Many other applications may not need/want these changes and so I did not
see the Nebula widget and SWT widget directly competing.  It would,
however, be great if the Nebula group could work on a date selection API
in conjunction with the SWT team because, unlike table widgets, there is
no "commonly understood" way for a date selector to be programmed.  In
doing so, I think it is understood that SWT's first and foremost goal is
to native widgets and thus will have limitations on what it can and
can't do with an API.  I think it is perfectly reasonable that the
Nebula widget could adjust to the SWT API and only add functionality on
top.  I imagine developers learning all the new widgets would appreciate
some common ground.
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