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Re: [mylar-dev] collapse button on task list view toolbar

Mik Kersten wrote:
Yes, putting it on the toolbar would have the nice benefit of turning 4
clicks (Ctrl+F10, down, down, Enter) into one.  But here's the cost:
* The toolbar is less cluttered and hence easier to use with only 5 items on
* We need to leave room for future contributions to add their own items.
I know that you have Task List vertically on the right. Mine is horizontally at the bottom. So, I have plenty space on the view toolbar there :-)

Anyways, aren't we supposed to move task dropdown from the toolbar, that would give space for the [-].
So the question is how often people would use this.  And as usual without
Mylar Monitor stats we don't know.
Personally I use [-] all the time when using with quick find to searching trough issues. I never used new buttons (Alt-Shift-N is faster and works everywhere) and use task drop down very rare.

What I also miss a lot is the button for quick task deactivation on the main toolbar...

BTW, you broke preselection of the repository when new task wizard is invoked with Alt-Shift-N
So how about you create a bug for
putting this on the toolbar, and tag it [ui] so that we have an easy way of
looking through these bugs when considering UI changes.  For now, why don't
you just make a patch that binds it to a shortcut (e.g. Ctrl+Alt+Shif+- if
nothing better is available).

Keyboard shortcut will be no use (for me), especially 4 key one like this. The reason is that this part of interaction is mouse-based. Eclipse does not provide friendly shortcuts to jump between editor and views, so user is forced to use mouse (it is just more natural) and then it just not make sense to switch to keyboard, since there is no typing, just navigation.


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