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RE: [mylar-dev] CVS Commit without a Task

Hi Ian,

Optimally, every change would be attached to a task because it supports
going back to the task later. Small changes one day can become useful input
to regressions, or changes (small and big) in the future. 

If it's a small change that's easily redoable its probably useful to go back
and create the task (provides a record of the fix in the problem system plus
the task information).

Realistically, Mylar will someday have to support context creation from past
events especially for the case (that happens to me often) - "oops I should
have created the task when I accessed ... Or at time ... " We've been
thinking about UIs to support but it hasn't yet risen to the top of the
stack to implement and try a variety out.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: mylar-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx 
> [mailto:mylar-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ian Bull
> Sent: August 3, 2006 10:29 PM
> To: Mylar developer discussions
> Subject: [mylar-dev] CVS Commit without a Task
> Mik,
> I know you would like all Mylar commits to include a CVS 
> comment from Mylar itself.  But what happens if Mylar wasn't 
> used during the task.  
> At first it may sound silly, but let me explain.  I was 
> "playing around" 
> when I noticed a small bug.  Before ever creating a task I 
> thought I would just navigate around and see what was going 
> on (I didn't even know for sure if it was a bug or not).  
> Within a few minutes I found the problem and fixed it.
> Now should I undo the 3 or 4 lines, create a task, redo the 
> lines, and submit?  Do you envision every code change being 
> linked to a task, or are some commits considered "small" 
> enough not to be attached to a task?
> This question is not just about mylar commits, but also about 
> your vision for how Mylar would be used? 
> Cheers,
> Ian
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