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Re: [mylar-dev] Synchronizing RSS Feed with Task list


It is best to look at the existing connectors. The simplest ones are web based connector in org.eclipse.mylar.sandbox plugin and Trac connector.

I've implemented a quick hack for web-repository connector to fetch the rss feed, leaving all the wizards the same as for regexp-based one.

So, the only difference is in performQuery() method, so if there are no regexp defined, it would try to parse query url using Rome framewok:

           SyndFeed feed = XmlReader(new URL(queryUrl)));
for (Iterator it = feed.getEntries().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
               SyndEntry entry = (SyndEntry);
String entryUri = entry.getUri();
               if(entryUri.startsWith(taskPrefix)) {
                   String id = entryUri.substring(taskPrefix.length());
hits.add(new WebQueryHit(id, id+": "+entry.getTitle(), taskPrefix, repositoryUrl));

Unfortunately it can't go into Mylar's CVS now, because there is no approval for Rome libraries. Not sure if Mik requested this stuff yet. Anyways, this is what required to make above fragment to work:

 license: ASL like -

 license: ASL -

Going further, it would be really great to have tighter integration of the web related connectors and have better drag-n-drop support as well as offline store.


PS: apparently Jakarta commons feedparser project is dormant now, which leave us either Rome (ASL) of Informa (LGPL)

Anthony Bargnesi wrote:

I have attempted to add to the task list via a RSS feed but to no certain success. I create a preference page that sets up how the rss url and interval for parsing the rss feed. Then I create a background job that will periodically parse the rss, but I run into problems when trying to add to the Task List. What plugins would I need as extensions in order to create new tasks in the task list? I am new to eclipse dev. so it is so going and frustrating. I took a look at your sandbox code and noticed you created a Repository connector for your web based
tasks.  Would I need a repository connector just to add tasks to the list?

I am hoping I can just declare an extension to the the org.eclipse.mylar.tasks.ui plugin
and be able to access the TaskList directly.

Any suggestions?


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