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[mosquitto-dev] Topic aliasing on messages sent out by Mosquitto


(This is a resend of a mail sent on 2 June, 2020 16:40. It never got a reply, but I since then learned the list breaks DMARC and puts messages in spam. Also mailing Roger directly).

I've been able to successfully use topic aliases with Mosquitto 1.6.8, but only when initiating it as a publisher. Apparently, as a subscriber, you can't request that a broker use aliases for messages that are sent out? I suppose that's not part of the standard? Is it doable/desirable to be able to configure Mosquitto to attempt to use aliases when subscribers connect with 'topic-alias-maximum' set? 

And what about bridges? We also use Mosquitto as client and it would be very beneficial if we could make all the topics aliased. 



PS For illustration: 

If I publish, I can see the second message's 'null' topic: 

# ./mosquitto_pub -V mqttv5 -u wiebe -P "$wiebepass" -h -p 18883 --insecure -t 'R/asdf/adsf/asdf/asdf/' --property publish topic-alias 1 -d -l 
Client (null) sending CONNECT 
Client auto-6E67EB4C-C338-E189-EA8A-2F199A0F265D received CONNACK (0) 
message one 
Client auto-6E67EB4C-C338-E189-EA8A-2F199A0F265D sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m1, 'R/asdf/adsf/asdf/asdf/', ... (11 bytes)) 
message two 
Client auto-6E67EB4C-C338-E189-EA8A-2F199A0F265D sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m2, '(null)', ... (11 bytes)) 

When I subscribe, I still see the topic: 

# ./mosquitto_sub -V mqttv5 -u wiebe -P "$wiebepass" -h -p 18883 --insecure -t '#' -v -d --property connect topic-alias-maximum 10 
Client (null) sending CONNECT 
Client auto-18E5C5B9-9124-3D6C-CF1A-94A107AEF380 received CONNACK (0) 
Client auto-18E5C5B9-9124-3D6C-CF1A-94A107AEF380 sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: #, QoS: 0, Options: 0x00) 
Client auto-18E5C5B9-9124-3D6C-CF1A-94A107AEF380 received SUBACK 
Subscribed (mid: 1): 0 
Client auto-18E5C5B9-9124-3D6C-CF1A-94A107AEF380 received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'R/asdf/adsf/asdf/asdf/', ... (11 bytes)) 
R/asdf/adsf/asdf/asdf/ message one 
Client auto-18E5C5B9-9124-3D6C-CF1A-94A107AEF380 received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'R/asdf/adsf/asdf/asdf/', ... (11 bytes)) 
R/asdf/adsf/asdf/asdf/ message two 

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