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[mosquitto-dev] Topic aliasing on messages sent out by Mosquitto


I've been able to successfully use topic aliases with Mosquitto 1.6.8, but only when initiating it as a publisher. Apparently, as a subscriber, you can't request that a broker use aliases for messages that are sent out? I suppose that's not part of the standard? Is it doable/desirable to be able to configure Mosquitto to attempt to use aliases when subscribers connect with 'topic-alias-maximum' set?

And what about bridges? We also use Mosquitto as client and it would be very beneficial if we could make all the topics aliased.



PS For illustration:

If I publish, I can see the second message's 'null' topic:

# ./mosquitto_pub -V mqttv5 -u wiebe -P "$wiebepass" -h -p 18883 --insecure -t 'R/asdf/adsf/asdf/asdf/' --property publish topic-alias 1 -d -l
Client (null) sending CONNECT
Client auto-6E67EB4C-C338-E189-EA8A-2F199A0F265D received CONNACK (0)
message one
Client auto-6E67EB4C-C338-E189-EA8A-2F199A0F265D sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m1, 'R/asdf/adsf/asdf/asdf/', ... (11 bytes))
message two
Client auto-6E67EB4C-C338-E189-EA8A-2F199A0F265D sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m2, '(null)', ... (11 bytes))

When I subscribe, I still see the topic:

# ./mosquitto_sub -V mqttv5 -u wiebe -P "$wiebepass" -h -p 18883 --insecure -t '#' -v -d --property connect topic-alias-maximum 10
Client (null) sending CONNECT
Client auto-18E5C5B9-9124-3D6C-CF1A-94A107AEF380 received CONNACK (0)
Client auto-18E5C5B9-9124-3D6C-CF1A-94A107AEF380 sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: #, QoS: 0, Options: 0x00)
Client auto-18E5C5B9-9124-3D6C-CF1A-94A107AEF380 received SUBACK
Subscribed (mid: 1): 0
Client auto-18E5C5B9-9124-3D6C-CF1A-94A107AEF380 received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'R/asdf/adsf/asdf/asdf/', ... (11 bytes))
R/asdf/adsf/asdf/asdf/ message one
Client auto-18E5C5B9-9124-3D6C-CF1A-94A107AEF380 received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'R/asdf/adsf/asdf/asdf/', ... (11 bytes))
R/asdf/adsf/asdf/asdf/ message two

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