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Re: [mosquitto-dev] Working with old broker

Thanks for the help. It looks like the line number doesn't line up with the error that's being printed, so maybe they modified the code a bit. The actual error was:

Socket read error on client RuckusZD.ls_br_conn_94F66528BB20_1041707150, disconnecting.

In v1.2 this log occurs here:

It seems to happen at the exact time that the broker was about to send a ping (1 minute after the last ping). Any idea what may cause this? The broker is bridging with PSK, not username/password, if that makes a difference.


On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 3:54 PM Jan-Piet Mens <list@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>They were the ones
>who insisted on squishing and throwing away all history when the
>project was adopted.

So sad!

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Jeff Armstrong
Software Engineer
Greenfield Labs

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