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[mosquitto-dev] Working with old broker


I'm working with a 3rd party device that uses mosquitto v1.2 which I can't change and I'm running into some issues.

I'm able to see some error logs that reference line numbers in the code, but not sure where to find the v1.2 code. It looks like github just has v1.3.x and up only. Can anyone point me to somewhere that has the old source code?

The error log looks like this:

LBS: File: loop.c, Line: 263, Function: mosquitto_main_loop, errno = 11, url = "" href="">, port = 8883

and during startup it shows the version as:

mosquitto version 1.2 (build date 2017-02-24 04:01:13-0800)

The other question I have is whether there might be expected problems with communication between a v1.2 broker and my broker which is v1.4.14. It appears from the device logs that it is bridging with my broker. I noticed this note in the v1.3 changelog that makes me think maybe the version difference is the source of my problems:

Basic support for MQTT v3.1.1. This does not include being able to bridge to an MQTT v3.1.1 broker.

Any help would be appreciated!

Jeff Armstrong
Software Engineer
Greenfield Labs

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