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Re: [modeling-pmc] Problems with Call Today

None that I'm aware of, but from a Galileo perspective, be sure to update
your bugzillas for M5:
Many projects are behind on setting these to RESOLVED.

Also, EMFT Search is once again removed from the build due to dependency
declaration issues (it appears).  Be sure to update your features' declared
dependencies, as PDE doesn't warn you about those that are incorrect.

Finally, just to let everyone know, Borland is changing its membership level
to Solutions Member.  As I result, I resigned from the Board, Planning
Council, Architecture Council, and co-lead of the PMC.  I expect to continue
as a PMC member, but it's up to Ed to lead us solo now ;)


On 2/17/09 11:03 AM, "Ed Merks" <ed.merks@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Guys,
> I assume something prevented Paul from attending today's meeting and
> since we relied on his number, we all couldn't get in.  For personal
> reasons, I've also been a little disorganized these past few weeks, so I
> overlooked setting up the wiki entry for the agenda.  Sorry about that.
> Are there any pressing issues we ought to discuss?
> Regards,
> Ed
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