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[mddi-dev] MDDi meeting minutes (01/19)

Hello all,

You will find below the minutes from Friday’s update meeting. Feel free to complete, correct and/or
provide feedback.

Attendees: Tom, Xavier, Miguel, Sébastien


1) Update on component releases

The source code of the orchestration tool is under review by the Eclipse IP team. Andrey is the
committer who owns this component. He could not make this call to give further details.

Miguel gave an update on the MDA container developments. He is moving current developments on an
Eclipse UML2-based implementation. The implementation will be completed in three/four months.

2) Follow-up on ModelBus developments

Team working features have been added to the code base by Prawee. It includes a support for
diff/merge, which manages the changes on top of ModelBus. This component also works on top of model

The service registry code developed in MODELWARE is now available in the CVS repository. Tom posted
a note on the newsgroup. He is now collecting requirements for the next release of ModelBus,
scheduled for next summer.

3) New integration builds

Tom will provide an integration build for the service registry component. Sébastien will publish the
build as well as the documentation on the web site.

Providing a new build for the ModelBus adapter component would allow end users to easily make use of
the team working features. A build schedule is still TBD.

4) Adapters

Already developed adapters need to be referenced and/or collected. Sébastien will keep on working
with Prawee on a dedicated web page. Tom will submit the code of the OCL adapter to the Eclipse IP
team. Sébastien will ask Andrey whether the Objecteering adapter can be contributed to Eclipse.

Xavier is deploying ModelBus with modeling services on a server at LIP6. The server should be up and
running by Feb. 15th. Tom has also set up an instance of ModelBus on a Fraunhofer server. Sébastien
will add links to these two instances on the MDDi web site.

5) Next meeting

The next update meeting is scheduled Fri. February 16th at 11am CET.

6) Actions

- Provide a build for the service registry (Tom)
- Publish the service registry build and documentation (Sébastien)
- Complete the adapter web page (Sébastien/Prawee)
- Submit the OCL adapter code to Eclipse (Tom)
- Ask Andrey about the Objecteering adapter code (Sébastien)



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