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[mat-dev] Next Steps

Krum and I had some time at Eclipse Summit Europe 2010 to discuss next steps for Memory Analyzer

Here are some ideas we had:
  1. Release 1.1 - when? with Indigo in June 2011?
  2. Build milestones before next release
  3. Get Tycho/Maven build working at
  4. Complete extensions documentation
  5. Publish help documentation at so it can be found via search engines
  6. Promote MAT via blogs and webinars etc.
  7. Create web version of MAT - using RAP. This could be the big item for Release 1.1
  8. Preference page
    1. Category for MAT
    2. Control report wizard after opening dump - currently if the box is ticked it never reappears
    3. Control DTFJ method/stack frame parsing
    4. Keep unreachable objects
  9. Multiple name resolvers - should we allow multiple resolvers for one item, e.g. Thread name resolver via DTFJ for Javacore/PHD dumps as the name field one won't work. Priority field to determine order?
  10. Acquire Heap dump - tidy this up. Should configure providers be the first page of the wizard, rather than a pop-up, and would only appear if no dump providers were available or with the back button.
  11. Selective queries - have queries which only appear in a menu for certain dump types, e.g. filtered by classes present? Reduces confusion of menu items with multiple queries for different application dumps.
  12. Dump comparison
    1. Improve GUI model
    2. Have programming interface
    3. Consider comparisons within a dump - union, intersection etc. of object list
  13. Add additional cheatsheets, publicize them
  14. Group by value - on a column as well as a field?
  15. OQL improvements - closer to SQL

Which ideas are important?
Who can help? Our resources may be stretched trying to do all this next year.

Andrew Johnson

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