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RE: [LIKELY JUNK][mat-dev] Help understanding reports

Hi Fanz,

no problem using this particular mailing list - for user orientated questions we also use the forum:

With regards to your question:

The retained size is the memory that would be freed if that particular thread would be gone. That are all objects that are reachable only through the Thread. All these objects together are called the retained set.

Now you have different ways at look at these objects:

* The outgoing references show all objects which are directly referenced. However, they do not necessarily belong to the retained set (take this example: A -> B <- C even though A references B, it does not belong to the retained set because it is also referenced by C)

* The dominator tree shows a hierarchical view on the retained set: the first level of children is directly dominated. The retained set, however, is the full tree - all objects below a node in the dominator tree.

To see the retained set - the objects that would be garbage collected - right-click on an arbitrary object and select "Show retained set". The sum of the shallow sizes of all objects in that histogram matches the retained size of the object you selected.

Kind regards,


From: mat-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mat-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Franz Allan Valencia See
Sent: Dienstag, 15. September 2009 12:50
To: mat-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [LIKELY JUNK][mat-dev] Help understanding reports

Pardon, I am not sure where the mat-users list is so I'll ask here (first). If this is not the proper mailing list, kindly direct me to the correct one and sorry.

Anyway, my problem:
My report stated that my java.lang.Thread for my resin tcp connection has a retained heap of 1 billion (I'm guessing 'byte' is the unit of measurements) or 89%, but the children under it won't even total 100M . Q#1.) Does that mean that the remaining 900M retained heap of my resin tcp connection is composed of a bunch of other classes that are too insignificant to be shown? 

Q#2.) Also, is this a 99% indication of memory leak (because the offending Class is a Thread of resin tcp connection that holds 89% of the retained heap but only less than 100M of which are shown in the report) ?


Franz Allan Valencia See | Java Software Engineer 

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